by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Jul 15, 2022 | Creation Education Resources
Did Dinosaurs and Humans Coexist? (Post contains affiliate links). In continuation of my previous article on “When Did Dinosaurs Live,” I’m going to provide you with a few examples of what kinds of artifacts have been discovered throughout the world. Note that this is...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Apr 5, 2022 | Biblical-Anomalies, Creation Education Resources
Were Dragons Ever Real? If aliens were to have a cool pirate map of our solar system, Planet Earth would have a note next to it that read “HERE BE DRAGONS”. All around the world, every continent, culture, and tribe have dragon stories! Thanks to popular books and...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Mar 20, 2022 | Creation Education Resources
There is a lot of conflict today related to the concept of race. And there are a lot of accusations flying around. But what exactly does the bible say about race? Or better yet, what does the bible NOT say? Below are 4 things the bible does not say about race. 1. The...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Aug 19, 2021 | Creation Education Resources, Homeschooling
We can understand why unbelievers don't hold to the literal interpretation of Genesis. But why don't people believe in Young Earth Creationism? The mystery is why do a growing number of Christians not believe in either the inspiration or literal interpretation of the...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Nov 5, 2020 | Creation Education Resources
Religious Freedom and the Church 4 Things You (yes, you!) Can Do About the Persecuted Church What do you think of when you hear about the persecuted Church? You would be right to think of countries such as North Korea, Pakistan, and Iran, which are within the top 10...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Aug 28, 2020 | Creation Education Resources
There are at least 5 Reasons my son believes in Catastrophism, and why he doesn't believe in macroevolution. (Post may contain affiliate links). Before I get into what my son believes and why, I would like to start with a few definitions. First, what exactly is...