The heart is an extremely complicated organ. No matter how many times I have studied it, including in college, and while teaching my son, I have had difficulty remembering the details. Sara Bean's Heart Unit Study simplifies many of the difficult-to-grasp concepts. This complete curriculum set is for all ages, kindergarten through 12th. (Post contains affiliate links).

Love at Home Education

Three examples of science based unit studies: Sara Bean's Heart Unit Study, Penguin Unit Study and Plant Unit Study.

Adding color and fun to the process of learning always makes learning more fun. with Sara Bean's Heart Unit Study, your children can learn about the heart while having fun.

Sara Bean, from “Love at Home Education” designed this curriculum for kindergarten through 12th grade.

Regardless of Your Child's Age, Kindergarten through 12th grade, they will benefit from the Heart Unit Study.

Also, like I said before, remembering the facts of the heart is not as easy as it sounds. So, even if your child has already studied the heart, this cute little study will be perfect for a review.

Also, since the unit study pack provides activities for all school-age levels, if you have several kids at different ages. They can all work on the unit together. This would be an awesome opportunity to practice collaborative learning.

What's Included in the K-12 Heart Unit Study

  1. Heart Sight Words for younger kids with directions on how to use them
  2. Two Heart Words to Learn for Kindergarten through second grade, complete with definitions. Cards can be printed and have a pretty red border.
  3. A total of four words for 3-4 grade (the two previous plus two added).
  4. Two additional for 5-6, another two for 7-8, and two more for 9-12. This may not sound like a lot of words, but the heart is a complex organ and the definitions of these words are hard to remember.
  5. Super interesting heart trivia facts, for example, how many times does a heart beat, how much blood does it pump, and more.
  6. Parts of a heart diagrams – for K-6, for coloring and labeling, with beautiful color pictures and cut and paste labels.
  7. For 7-12, more advanced labeling, learning and memorizing
  8. A black and white diagram for coloring and labeling
  9. Questions on “How Does it Work?”
  10. Memorization exercises for all grade levels
  11. Research assignments for 7-12 grades
  12. Copy writing practice for Kindergarten through 1st
  13. Three Writing prompts for K-1; Three writing prompts for 3-6, with more advanced requirements. For example, sentences to paragraphs. Specific questions are provided.
  14. More advanced writing prompts for 7-12 grade

Love at Home Education

K-6 Parts of Heart – Coloring and Labeling Activity – Sara Bean's Heart Unit Study

And the price for Sarah Bean's Heart Unit Study is right. If you want a digital-only copy, it's just $6.00. She even offers the option to purchase a digital and printed copy as a set, for only $10 plus shipping (which is very reasonably priced).

One thing I want to mention, since I have a son with learning challenges.

Just because a curriculum is set up for specific grade levels doesn't mean you have to stick strictly to each grade level.

For example, if your child is in third grade but is still struggling to form letters with a pencil. In this situation, I would strongly suggest to use the copy work exercises in the heart study, even if he or she is older than the stated age.

Writing stuff down helps everyone learn better.

And don't forget something important. Typing can be a form of copy work as well. If you have a child like mine, who is now 14, and has too many writing assignments to do, for example. It would not be time-efficient to make them write everything down. Instead, have him or her type some of the work. It's okay to allow your child to type instead of handwrite everything.

Never Forget: The Goal is Learning

So, if your child is in 1st grade, is brilliant, and can handle the 7-12 grade activities, then give it to them! Whatever is developmentally appropriate is, well, appropriate. 🙂

I have discovered that kids never really outgrow the “hands-on” stage despite that most traditional schools stop hands-on work for most subjects. So, no matter how old your kids are, they're not to old for some hands-on work! All of Sarah's unit studies, including the heart study, will give your children plenty of opportunities to do hands-on activities.

To check out this awesome heart unit study, and to grab a copy for yourself, click here.

About Homeschooling Dietitian Mom

For other k-12 curriculum reviews, click here.

For Sara's MLK Jr. K-12 History Curriculum, click here.

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