Kids Cookbooks Volume 1- Easy Food, by Sarah Watson Bean at “Love at Home Education,” is a super simple, basic cookbook to help your children get started in their cooking journey. (Post contains affiliate links).

From age 2 and up, “Cooking by Levels” offers steps to get even the youngest members of your family in the kitchen and to help them feel included, by offering simple tasks for them to successfully complete.

Kids Cookbooks, Volume 1 – Easy Food provides opportunity to build teamwork from an early age.

“A level based cookbook that teaches your kids how to cook 15 meals. From helping out to cooking full meals all by themselves.” And the recipes all look yummy too!

Five levels are provided with directions on what to give specific aged kids to do.  Visuals are included and placed in appropriate places throughout the cookbook to make it easier to tell at which level each individual cooking step fits.

For example:

  1. Pouring for 2-4 year old kids – This level gives younger kids the opportunity to practice pouring without actually measuring ingredients. A simple black and white measuring cup picture is placed in all the places to make it clear which age group the specific task is appropriate for.
  2. Measuring tasks (4 years and up) are paired with simple measuring spoons. These are tasks designed to encourage your child to start reading ingredients and instructions on recipes.
  3. Reading and Assembling ingredients – For example, 5 to 7 year old children can look for ingredients in a recipe and then find them in the cabinet or refrigerator. These tasks are identified by a simple milk carton.
  4. Ingredients and directions for a recipe can usually be read at this level. Also, children can begin to choose their own recipes. The symbol associated with level 4 is a simple, black and white recipe picture.
  5. Doing all of the reading, gathering all of the ingredients, and cooking all by themselves. This is the last and 5th step! This step is symbolized by a chef hat. 🙂

Suggestions are offered to deal with kids starting out at older ages as well as how to help the child move up more quickly when it is desired.

This Cooking Class and Curriculum is meant to be fun, of course, and it really is!

Reading Instructions and Measurements

Cooking By Yourself

Simple recipes include:

Waffles, pancakes, and homemade multigrain bread.

Delicious oatmeal cookies and homemade granola bars

And spaghetti, hamburgers, fresh, from scratch fresh pasta,  and scrambled eggs 3 ways.

(Post contains affiliate links).

Click here to purchase Cooking by Level, Volume 1 now!

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