(Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way). 


For the past several weeks, my son and I have been using the cool Math Galaxy math program. The reason I chose to add Math Galaxy to my son's math program was to add some fun to his ordinary routine. I also wanted to try a new way to reinforce some of the math concepts he struggles with. Since Math Galaxy offers all levels of math, from kindergarten to 12th grade, I knew it would be a good choice. And it was.

For example, one of the super cool things about Math Galaxy is that you can choose from several different options. For example, all levels of the program are available in printable pdf format e-books. In addition to e-books, inexpensive apps ($4.99 to be exact) are available through iPhone, iPad, and Android stores.

The main purpose of Math Galaxy products is to reinforce and “tutor” kids who struggle with math concepts. In other words, it is designed to be a supplementary math tool to enhance learning. However, it can stand alone, in my opinion, because of the supplementary videos provided through the apps and through the main website.

And the price is definitely right.

For example, the entire 5 ebook set of Algebra concepts is just $10.00. Also, if you are looking for a simpler level, you can get the entire set of whole numbers for just $22.00. When you do visit the Math Galaxy website, I recommend clicking on “Guided Tour.” It’s the red button in the upper left side of the screen.

My son hates math. However, he was able to complete the puzzles on his own once we went through a couple of problems together. For example, the Algebra Properties and Operations e-book. This e-book includes a review of the properties of Algebra. For example,

  1. Commutative Property of Addition (and Multiplication)
  2. Multiplicative Inverse
  3. Associative Property of Multiplication (and Addition)
  4. Multiplicative Property of Equality (and Addition)
  5. And more.

At first, I didn't remember which was which. However, after we worked on a sheet together, we both were able to more easily remember what those TOTALLY ABSTRACT terms meant. What helps with these riddles is that the answers are limited. So, like I told my son. When you complete a page like this, pick the ones you definitely know first and then that narrows it down. We both found these riddle sheets to be an effective way of reinforcing the properties of Algebra. Knowing these properties is essential to being successful in Algebra and beyond.

We chose to review the Algebra Math Puzzles. However, we also used the Pre-Algebra Math Puzzles as well as two different apps:

  • Pre-Algebra Fundamentals
  • Algebra Fundamentals

These apps are perfect for kids (like mine) who hate math OR hate writing down the answers. Of course, kids who like computer games are also the perfect people to use this app for.

When we use the apps, the math is super easy to figure out. This is because there are step-by-step instructions, and lots of levels to choose from. As you play, you earn “robots” which can be used to play the games. Since we use both the pre-algebra and algebra math games, we have noticed that they are not exactly the same. In other words, if I tell you which game we play in Algebra, you may not get that same game in addition and subtraction. But you will get some kind of game. The really good news about the robots is that your child will earn robots even if he or she doesn't get the answer correct. Plus, as they are learning, children will be told why the answer is wrong, for future reference. The apps also contain full video explanations of the various concepts taught in the app.

Math Galaxy Math Games

Links for apps can be found at the Math Galaxy website.

Math Galaxy Algebra Math Games

Math Galaxy Math Games Google slides are also available for the following levels:

  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division
  5. Fractions

Below is an example of what a slide looks like in google drive.

As you can see, I have one of the h's selected. When you select the box with the ? mark, you simply replace it with the correct letter. You figure out the letter based on the correct answer of each math problem. There is a matching answer for each. And once you know which letter goes with a certain answer/number, then you add that letter to each box with the corresponding number as is shown in the example.

Math Galaxy Algebra Math Games

Make sure to check out this super cool math program, Math Galaxy here.

Don't forget to check out the other reviews by Awesome Homeschool Review Crew members here or click the image below.

3rd Grade -Algebra Fundametals Math Apps {Math Galaxy Reviews}

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