Christmas around the World – Mexican Christmas Traditions (Post contains affiliate links).

I Love Hispanic and Latino culture! I worked with a variety of people while employed as a Public Health Nutritionist for the Women, Infant, and Children Program (WIC). Some of my fellow employees were from Brazil, Peru, Guatemala, Colombia, and of course, Mexico.

There were days when no one who came into the clinic spoke English. As a result, I was immersed in the language and culture. I never became fluent in Spanish. However, somehow I managed to function–with the help of materials that were in Spanish. Also, the awesome bilingual Health Service Assistants I worked with were always available when I got stuck.

My adoration of the culture has led to my brand New Mexican Christmas Traditions Unit Study

I really think that if you aren't already familiar with Mexican Christmas traditions, you should be!

That's why my goal for you and your children is for your lives to be enriched through this unit study.

In some ways, there are similarities. However, in many ways, Christmas is celebrated in a completely different way in Mexico. For example,

Mexican Christmas Traditions

Las Posadas

Las Posadas is a Mexican tradition that lasts from December 16 December 23. This event commemorates the journey of Mary and Joseph as they traveled. Mary was ready to give her baby and they couldn’t find anywhere to stay. The celebration of Las Posadas reenacts this event with great enthusiasm and festiveness.

Check out my Christmas in Mexico Unit Study to learn more! 

The Legend of the Poinsettia

In case you didn't know, the Poinsettia grows prolifically in Mexico during the Christmas season. This legend is about a poor Mexican girl who wanted to give a gift to baby Jesus but had nothing to give. Thus, the Poinsettia was born.

3 Kings Day

In Spanish, it is called, “Día de los Reyes.” This day marks the visit of the three kings.

Traditional Foods Eaten

    1. Tamales
    2. Pozole
    3. Rompope
    4. Ponche
    5. Pasteles (Puerto Rico)

These foods are just a sampling of the delicious cuisine enjoyed during the celebration of Christmas in Mexico. You will find lots of fun things for your kids to do as a break from their regular curriculum, and they will learning social studies, history, and home economics as well.

Click here to view, “Christmas in Mexico.”

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SUPER Bundle – Makes Perfect Stocking Stuffer!

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