7 Sister's High School Level Online PE for Homeschool Kids Curriculum is a full semester, 1/2 credit high school course. It includes all that is needed to satisfy high school graduation requirements. Since it's online, it can be completed at your own pace

My son doesn't enjoy exercising. So, I chose this class to get him more motivated and to give him the opportunity to practice his planning and recordkeeping skills. I also chose this curriculum because it is led by a 10-year exercise veteran and I felt hopeful this would help. And I'm happy to say that:

Foundations of Physical Fitness moved him forward in the direction of better physical health.

This is a big deal if you know my son because he still has a long way to go. However, he is now doing push ups and sit ups on his own and is more conscious of his need to be more active. He also did his best to keep track of what he completed, and I see big improvements in this area as well.

The following is included in this well-written curriculum.

  • Suggested syllabus for the year (or semester).
  • Reading assignments which include explanations of different types of exercises.
  • Questions to help reinforce learning (fill-in-the blank, multiple choice, true/false, and some short answer).
  • Videos showing how to do the exercises.
  • Diagrams showing the muscles mentioned in the videos. You could use these to help teach anatomy!
  • Paperwork for keeping track. Great for teaching recordkeeping.
  • There are a total of four different workouts each to be completed in four weeks for a total of 16 weeks.
  • Nice recordkeeping logs that can be printed or your student can type in the answers using fill and sign in Adobe reader.

The curriculum is taught by Luke Josiah Samuel Hayes (video instructor). Samuel has numerous certifications including NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), and over 10 years of experience as a fitness instructor, personal trainer, and fitness manager.

The exercise routines were above Nathan's fitness level. However, the goals set out are something any beginner could eventually reach. This is why I plan to teach this course again next year.

I'm happy to have this online PE for Homeschool Kids curriculum to use again and again if needed.

As a certified Group Fitness Instructor, I recommend this course as an online PE for homeschool kids option. Kids who are resistant to exercise and kids who are not will both benefit from the instruction. Either way, something important will be learned and PE requirements will be met for High School Graduation.

Check out 7 Sisters Homeschool Foundations for Physical Fitness by clicking here.

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