(Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way).
One of the things I love the most about SchoolhouseTeachers.com Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership is how flexible it is. In fact, Schoolhouse Teachers is flexible, affordable, and fun!
I can pick and choose whatever courses I want to use–and there are hundreds of choices. For example, we have gone through entire classes (Dinosaurs and the Bible), and we've picked out specific lessons (They Lived for God). I've even worked through one of the graphics design courses that are offered. This is possible because Schoolhouse Teachers is not limited by grades. There are classes for literally EVERYONE in your family, from preschool to adult.
I love that SchoolhouseTeachers.com doesn't compromise the Creation versus Evolution issue.
“Dinosaurs and the Bible” (1st through 6th grade) is a 16-lesson study that covers classifying, identifying, and critical thinking about Dinosaurs and the evidence. It also teaches about Noah's Ark, the Flood and more. Follow-up questions are provided for every lesson and can be answered offline or online, depending on your child's preferences. You child will certainly know a lot about dinosaurs by the time he or she finishes this unit. And I believe his or her faith in the Bible will be strengthened as well.
And as with any curriculum, you can always add in your own assignments. For example, my son recently wrote an essay on why Dinosaur to Bird Evolution doesn't make sense. These kinds of assignments give your child the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills while at the same time developing an argument in favor of creation.
I also love all of the varied choices for teaching social studies and history.
“They Lived for God” is a social studies unit we are currently working through. “They Lived for God” includes at least one well-done documentary for each of the 39 saints/martyrs included in the unit. The videos keep my son's interest, which says a lot in my opinion.
We usually break the documentaries up into two days so that we can retain the information better. I'm learning as much as my son is learning because history did not hold my interest in school. Not only that, but these videos are from a Christian perspective. Anything I learned in school was secular because I went to public school growing up.
We have so far learned about Jan Hus, Perpetua, Augustine, and Martin Luther. We will be continuing to study with our next on the list to be William Tyndale and Roger Williams. I can't wait!
All of SchoolhouseTeachers units include lesson plans to help with organizing your teaching days and weeks. (See below for example)
All of the curriculum units I have used include these lesson plans and outlines, with the specific information that relates to the subject matter you are studying. This makes it much easier to stay on-track and to know what to do with your child each day. It also gives you an idea of how much time you will be spending each day and allows you to plan for any materials you may need to accomplish each assignment.
SchoolhouseTeachers also provides awesome yearly planners, which are always renewed in time for the new year. Apple Core Silver Membership (a $45 value) is included in the membership as well. Apple Core has saved me oodles of time and stress and is completely online. So, you don't have to worry about misplacing your records.
Other things included with the SchoolhouseTeachers Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership:
- A World Book Online membership ($100 value)
- Custom Schedule Builder – Weekly, Monthly, and can be adapted to fit your individual needs
- Record Keeping – Apple Core Silver includes:
- Course Tracker
- Grade Reporting
- Report Cards
- Portfolio
- Attendance
- Free Information Charts:
- The 13 Colonies by Date
- Geometric Figures
- Sign Language
- Types of Poetry
- Common Latin Roots
- Countries and Capitals and more!
- Learning Centers include:
- Help with Reading
- Focus on Math, Focus on Science
- Focus on Special Needs
- Preschool Playground and much more
- Career Center
- Charlotte Mason
- Seasonal Learning
- Physical Education
- High School
Make sure to Check out SchoolhouseTeachers Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership.
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