by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Nov 4, 2024 | Nutrition and Health
Not only is dark chocolate a tasty treat, but it is a nutritional powerhouse. The benefits of dark chocolate are becoming well known, but just in case you haven't heard the good news or would like a reminder. Here is a quick summary. Benefits of Dark Chocolate First,...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Oct 1, 2024 | Food Allergies and Special Diets
Okay, so, let's get real. No matter how healthy we want to eat, no matter how much we want our kids to eat the perfect diet, no matter how much we want to avoid processed food, real life exhausts us sometimes. Even the natural born chefs among us don't always feel...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Oct 1, 2024 | Food Allergies and Special Diets
What attracts kids to Fast Food? I recently received an email from a subscriber. She wanted advice regarding her 17-year-old son. Her son was raised on a healthy diet since birth, but now only wants to eat at fast food restaurants. This is a concern that I believe...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Apr 6, 2024 | Nutrition and Health
In 2016, The United Nations declared Pulses as Superfoods. Four years later, they are still as healthy as ever. And they are also delicious, inexpensive, and easy to cook with. If you're wondering what a pulse is, and you are also wondering what constitutes a...
by Deborah Hanyon, MPH, RDN, ACE-CHC | Mar 7, 2023 | Nutrition and Health
Of all of the superfoods, blueberries are one of my favorites. And living in Oregon, we sure do get plenty of them. But what exactly makes blueberries superfoods? And what are some of the ways you can eat them? Here are at least 5 reasons blueberries are superfoods....