After a month of school, we are still plugging away at our Physical Education class. Though I have found that there are many exercises that Nathan doesn't like. “It's important to make it fun,” they say! It takes Creativity!
I just asked my son which exercises are fun, and he said, “Ball.” He has autism, so he is a boy of very few words. I am learning as I go…Fortunately, there is tons of information available on the internet to help with inspiration.
A couple of examples:
Ace Fitness' website, and Idea Fitness,, both have free resources available. We also have found The Exercise Buddy app for tablets (we have an Ipad, but it is also available for Android), to be extremely helpful. The Exercise Buddy can be found at They offer a free 14-day Trial that anyone is welcome to try.
Check out this latest article on “How to Motivate your Kid to Exercise.”
8/3/2019 – Update – My husband is now home more and can help me with motivating Nathan to exercise. We have been taking him to the gym two times a week so that he can do some strength training. Plus, he is going out a couple times a week to watch harvesters, combines, buses and such. It takes Creativity is so true!
We are learning that exercise comes in so many forms…