(Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way).
I have had a long-term interest in Apologetics. In fact, as many of you know, I attended the ICR Graduate School from 1997-1999. I studied Biology and Christian Apologetics during this period. This is one of the reasons I jumped at the chance to review The Unbreakable Faith Course from Pilgrim's Rock, LLC.
The other reason was that I was hoping to reinforce my son's faith as well.
The Unbreakable Faith Course from Pilgrim's Rock, LLC, is an Online Christian Apologetics Curriculum
This faith-building course also includes 2 Textbooks, “God the Reason” and “The Box,” both which are written by Craig Biehl.
Unbreakable Faith is geared toward high school students. Not only that, but it will satisfy one full elective credit toward high school graduation. Unbreakable Faith can also be enjoyed and utilized by adults as well as younger children, depending on the maturity of the specific child.
For the review, I am the main person working through this curriculum. I chose to do this because my son is not quite at the level to totally get the most out of it. Plus he needs my support as he's learning. So, I'm reading and watching the videos so that I may better teach him the lessons.
I do want to point out that I am reading “The Box” to him. Also, we have been watching the videos together. Of course, the curriculum is a year long. So, we are still working through the curriculum as I write this.
There are 6 Parts to the video series, with several videos for each part. I just completed the quiz for Part 1 (I got 100%)! The quiz for each section must be completed before the student can move on. I know I learned a lot! And I have no doubt that my 14-year-old son's faith and my faith are increasing.
In fact, one of the things I like the most about the course is the online videos.
For example, the videos provide visuals as well as Bible Verses to support the author’s point. Also, the videos do an excellent job of reinforcing what is discussed in the books. Having the reinforcement of the videos along with the books obviously will increase the amount of information that the student is able to retain overtime.
This is especially important because “God the Reason” is rather deep and involved philosophically and may be challenging to some readers. Thus, you can watch the videos to better understand the points the author, Craig Biehl, is making in the book itself.
One of my favorite videos discusses the best way to answer the multiple questions asked by unbelievers. He provides a compelling analogy and visual (see images below).
The first image shows how most Christians deal with questions–one at a time.
The second image shows the importance of having a strong foundation. Thus, if we start with the Bible, the Christian's one sure foundation. It will much easier for us to answer questions from unbelievers.
Starting with the Bible, we have our foundation. Thus, we don't need to have a PhD to answer a PhD!
Here are just a few of the statements made by Biehl which I found particularly thought-provoking:
- “Unbelief has nothing to do with the evidence. It has everything to do with the heart.”
- “God's existence is not dependent on what man thinks about Him.”
- God has always existed
- The reality of who God is is not affected by how human’s perceive truth.
The book, “The Box,” includes conversations between Mr. C and Mr. A.
The focus is on helping readers see the irrational beliefs that sometimes underlie their belief systems. The Box ties in with the overall theme of the course.
The goal of the author, Craig Biehl, is to help readers become more aware of “God’s Infinite Excellence.”
Biehl wants to show the reader how little a finite human being can know about the infinite God apart from God’s Revelation.
In the book, Mr. A represents the Atheist in the beginning of the book and later the Agnostic.
1. The Atheist
Mr. A. at the beginning of the book, believes there is no God and that there is no evidence whatsoever for the existence of God–but can't predict what is in Mr. C's garage or antique box.
2. The Agnostic
Mr. A at this point has changed his mind about what he believes and now calls himself an Agnostic. Mr. A. now states that he doesn't know enough to claim whether God exists or not. However, he still believes there is no evidence for the existence of God.
By the end of the book, Mr. A has made progress, but still hasn’t reached the point of believing.
Which reminds me of a very important point:
No matter how logical, rational, or awesome our arguments are. No matter how many Bible verses we can quote or how perfect of a model we are, it’s still going to take God‘s Holy Spirit to reveal to the unbeliever who He is.
Though that does not mean we shouldn’t take into consideration peoples’ uniqueness or that we shouldn’t remember the importance of loving the unbelievers in our lives. Just not at the expense of truth.
The conversations and the logic in “The Box,” are easy to follow and are successful in driving home the point the author is making. Also, the wording of the text is easy to follow. The one thing that could make the book even better would be to shorten some of the sentences.
The length of the sentences made reading out loud to my son a bit cumbersome. However, despite this one weakness, I still believe Beihl was successful at keeping my son, who is 14 and is on the Autism spectrum, interested.
I believe he was also successful at driving home his main point:
“The truly rational person is the one who believes in God.”
If you want your faith and your children's faith challenged, I highly recommend that you look into this unique and Biblically-sound Christian Apologetics curriculum.
Click the link below to check it out now.
The Unbreakable Faith Course from Pilgrim's Rock, LLC
Hi Debbie,
Thank you for taking the time to review the Unbreakable Faith course, we appreciate it and hope it will prove helpful to you and your family. May God greatly bless you all as you serve our infinitely excellent Savior!
Together for Christ’s glory,
Craig and Angelica
Hi Craig,
My pleasure! Debbie