Healthy and Eco-Friendly Ways to Feed Your Family

Food intake and environmental sustainability are connected. According to the Global Nutrition Report, a quarter of all deaths are associated with poor diets that prioritize red and processed meat as well as sugary drinks. Additionally, these dietary choices negatively affect the environment. The foods above are currently in high demand and generate more than a third of all greenhouse emissions. What you put on your family's plate thus impacts their future—both via their health as individuals and the well-being of the world they live in. As such, it's essential to be selective about what you put on the table.

To start giving your loved ones a more sustainable diet, here are five healthy and eco-friendly ways to feed your family.

Cook More at Home

Eating out at a restaurant with your family tends to be the path of least resistance. But think twice—restaurants produce an enormous amount of food and energy waste. Even if you opt for a food place that serves nutritious meals, cooking at home is still better for your health. Your average home-cooked meal won't have the added calories, sodium, fat, and sugar in restaurant spreads, and you're far more likely to consume various foods. While home cooking can be tiring, what you cook doesn't have to be fancy. To motivate yourself to cook more, remind yourself your meals don't have to be picture-perfect—and in your kitchen, you have the freedom to create the food you and your family enjoy. More importantly, cooking at home will have less of an impact on the environment.

Incorporate Vegetables into your Family's Favorite Meals

When getting your family to eat healthier, one simple trick will work with picky eaters: add, not subtract. Serving steak? Add a side of cauliflower “mashed potatoes.” Burger and fries? Mix some vegetable fries in with the normal ones. That way, you can easily sneak the nutrients and vitamins your family needs into foods they already enjoy. It's a great way to create healthy, sustainable meals.

Buy From your Local Farmer's Market

If you're lucky enough to have access to a farmer's market, take full advantage of it. Here, you'll be able to get organic products that spent more time in the ground and were not genetically modified or sprayed with pesticides. They're thus likely to taste better and be more nutritious. You'll also be helping out farmers who engage in sustainable farming practices to minimize waste and pollution. Buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and more at your farmer's market to promote the health of both your family and your community.

Support Vegan Brands

As a mom, you know how challenging it is to configure a diet that suits your family's tastes, let alone one that's healthful—but you don't have to do it yourself. Many women entrepreneurs, some of them moms themselves, have launched vegan healthcare products that can help you streamline the process of giving healthy and sustainable foods to your family. One example is No Evil Foods, a company co-founded by creative Sadrah Schadel that produces plant-based alternative proteins. Another is Miyoko's Creamery. Formerly known as Miyoko's Kitchen, it specializes in vegan cheeses and was founded by cookbook author Miyoko Schinner. You can easily buy these foods from retailers like Walmart and Target, making it easier to brainstorm and craft sustainable, delicious meals your family will enjoy.

Control Portion Sizes

Your family should eat well. However, if you serve large portions, you're potentially aggravating two issues: food waste and obesity. If your large servings remain mostly untouched, you might end up throwing out perfectly edible food. If your family is used to eating huge servings, they may also be in danger of becoming overweight—which in turn has the accompanying risks of diseases like stroke and diabetes. It's thus best to control portion sizes in a way that still satiates hunger. Accomplishing this can be as simple as serving food on smaller plates and recommending refills only after those plates are clean. This can encourage your family to only eat until they stop being hungry—not until they're too full to move—and prevent food waste in the process.

It's essential to find healthy and eco-friendly ways to feed your family. Try these strategies to get your family top-notch nutrition in ways that are also great for the environment.

Written by Reanne John for

Reanne John became a learning advocate after her daughter entered nursery. After discovering helpful educational tips, Reanne decided to pursue a career in blogging to support other parents.

Credit: Pexels

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