How to Send Love and Comfort to Pregnant Friends During the Pandemic

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You know that Homeschooling Dietitian Mom has you covered with nutrition and homeschool tips needed to stay stress-free in lockdown. But what about your relatives and friends who are pregnant during these stressful times? Those women may need a little extra support from you to stay sane, and here are just a few ways you can safely provide that extra care and love.

A Thoughtful Gift Can Go a Long Way

If you want to support your loved one, consider sending a gift that will relieve stress and help her feel extra comfortable during these challenging times.

A Comforting Meal Can Also Be Helpful

Trying to grocery shop while pregnant or with a new baby can feel impossible during a dangerous pandemic, but you can help by providing nourishing meals.

How to Send Love & Comfort to Pregnant Friends

Listening Can Often Be the Greatest Gift

Honestly, your loved one may not need actual gifts to feel safe and supported during this pregnancy but would prefer less tangible support.

In addition to carrying a child, your pregnant friends are also carrying the same COVID stresses as the rest of us. That’s a lot for anyone to handle on their own, so try to reach out and provide support when you can. Trust us, your efforts will be greatly appreciated!

Remember to turn to Homeschooling Dietitian Mom for useful tips and advice throughout your parenting journey!

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Photo Credit: Unsplash

How to Send Love and Comfort to Pregnant Friends During the Pandemic

Article courtesy of Alyssa Strickland

Alyssa Strickland created for all the new parents on the block. Alyssa believes the old adage that it takes a village to raise a child, but she also thinks it takes a village to raise a parent! Millennial-Parents is that village. Today’s parents can be more connected than ever, and she hopes her site will enrich those connections. On Millennial-Parents, she shares tips and advice she learns through experience and from other young parents in three key areas — Education, Relationships, and Community.

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